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Summer beers are back! Summer beers are back!

Summer beers are back!

Lighter, thirst-quenching ales are back in stock!

Summer Ale has pleasant citrus notes come from the bitter orange and lemon peel. Fermented with California ale dry yeast, this beer finishes clean with lingering flavors of citrus and spice. Crisp and refreshing.

Kolsch is a crisp, clean, easy-drinking ale. It has a straw-yellow hue similar to a pilsner, but is less hoppy, a bit sweeter and uses pale malts and a small amount of wheat.

Watermelon Wheat is a classic wheat beer recipe for the backbone of this brew and is given a twist of fruit by adding Brewer's Best® Natural Watermelon Flavoring. Keeping all the attributes of wheat beer you love while finishing with a touch of watermelon flavor and aroma.

 Mexican Cerveza has a crisp, clean flavor profile and is straw in color. Lightly hopped, with a great balance between malt and bitterness, while a small dose of lime peel adds a touch of citrus aroma. Thirst quenching, this brew is best served ice-cold with slice of lemon or lime.

Perfect, refreshing brews for hanging out with family and friends on those warm summer nights. 

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